The Slovak Wall
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, walls in Eastern Europe have begun to emerge in XXI century. There are 14 walls built in Slovakia, separating Roma communities. The ‘Slovak apartheid’, a term used by the social researchers, is perceived at many levels beyond the wall. A road, a route, a railway, a river, a field, a forest or a factory, can also be a barrier when life is on the other side of it. The prevailing unemployment and the precarious living conditions, in addition to scholar segregation, is becoming deeply ingrained in individual and collective consciousness, perpetuating a marginalized way of living.
“The Slovak Wall” is a documentary and participatory project in progress. It combines documentary photography and video to spotligth a forgotten reality, with the production of photographic and participatory workshops with Roma kids living on the other side of the wall, to give voice to their hopes and dreams. The project is in collaboration with Bostok Photo and the NGO ETP Slovensko.